My Approach to Nutrition
Are you baffled by your relationship with food because you know how to eat well but don’t consistently do it? Do you remember how great you felt when you were eating well but now feel frustrated that you let your eating slide….again?
I get it. It doesn’t seem logical, does it? That’s because it’s not. It’s emotional.
You are pretty sure you have a ‘food problem,’ right?
I don’t think you do. It just appears that’s the root cause of the problem.
There’s more to this story. Much more.
Your relationship with food is a mirror of your relationship with yourself. Stated another way, the way you eat and the way you feel about yourself are going to resemble one another closely.
When we aren’t getting our creative, physical, spiritual, career, emotional and relationship needs met, we tend to eat (or deprive) to try to manage this emotional discomfort. I hear you – on the surface it appears you don’t have enough willpower or discipline, right?
Wrong. In all honesty, I’ve never known a single person who could simply rely on willpower throughout his or her entire life to be healthy.
That brings me to another important point: nourishing yourself with whole foods and eating quantities appropriate for your unique body shouldn’t have to feel difficult and depriving. Believe it or not, as you begin to invest time in discovering what you’re truly desiring and needing in your life and commit to taking small steps in that direction, food doesn’t have to play such a big role in your life. I encourage you to eat delicious food and find enjoyment in it, but there’s so much more to life than eating.
Think about all the ways that your food has to ‘work’ for you. Does it have to soothe you when you get home from a stressful day? Does it need to comfort you when you’re lonely on the weekends? Does it have to numb your pain when you’re thinking about all the things you wish were different in your life? Is it one of the only ways you celebrate and experience happiness in your life?
That’s a lot of pressure put on food. It wasn’t made to work this hard. It was made to nourish you so you are fueled to design and live the beautiful, potential-filled life you were given.
It’s possible and doesn’t have to feel painful to change your relationship with food. Most people try to make this change by being strict and ‘all in’. If the approach you take to change your food feels punishing and difficult, there’s a good chance the change won’t last.
My job is to deeply invest in listening to what you’re needing more of in your life so that food doesn’t have to play such a powerful role. My job is also to support you to truly connect to your body and start to understand its cues so you know how to feed yourself.
Most people look outside of themselves for information about how to eat. I invite clients to tune into their bodies and begin to understand what foods feel good for them. And yes, you and your body can begin to develop a trust. You hold the power; I guide the journey.
I know, you might be scared to hope and trust that your relationship with food can be better. I understand that it can feel scary to hope. But what’s the alternative – quitting on yourself and your health? I encourage you to continue moving forward on your journey toward health. If my approach resonates with you, please know it’s free to talk with me for 60 minutes so you can get a feel for whether or not I’m the right fit for you.
You can learn more about my holistic nutrition therapy 4-month program here. And if you’re curious to know my story and training, I invite you to learn more.
Let’s do this. Isn’t it time for a change?
I Do Not Sell Supplements
I think it is important for you to know that I do not sell any supplements. I focus on giving you the best emotional support and the empowering knowledge of how to eat to improve your health. However, I may recommend high-quality supplements to support your health, but it is your choice on whether you purchase them or not.